Friday, June 6, 2014

Hey Blog! We are BACK!

OMG.  I haven't blogged over here since March.  Whoops!  

I think about this little space often and always want to get back to it, but the time always slips away every day and then bam. Two and a half months pass.  I'm three months behind in monthly photos (and to be honest I haven't even taken our 7 months ones yet, and the boys hit that mark weeks ago).  I'll try and play catch up, but I might just skip ahead and start fresh.  That seems a little less overwhelming!

Life is busy, guys.  Having two little kiddos keeps you really occupied!  Since I've been gone (shout out Kelly Clarkson):

* Parker had surgery {nothing too scary, we've known about it since birth, and it went very well}

^ Just before going back

^ One week post-op

* Henry got a Doc Band {helmet} for his little head.  We are about 2 months into wearing it, with about one more month to go.  I don't think he even knows he is wearing it, so it's been a breeze.

^ Swimming?

* My school year ended!  
Today was actually my first day of SUMMER VACATION and my first day as a SAHM.

^ Summer means the pool opened! 
Our first timing swimming was way more successful than I thought it would be!

*We've been spending time almost every evening outside on the patio, sweating a bit in the time just before baths

^ BBQ with friends!

^ Super Hero Shirts

And in general, we've just been doing a lot of growing!  With work over, I hope to be able to come back and blog a little more regularly.  My Summer Bucket List is long, so let's hope our little family can stay busy and find time to have lots of fun!