The boys are napping right now. Both of them. Are asleep. This feat was not achieved lightly. It took almost 20 solid minutes of screams of rage. Parker did not think he needed to take a nap, so he voiced his opinion quite loudly. In fact, don't tell him that I was actually about to wave the white flag and go get him out of his bed, giving up on the afternoon nap. But when I creaked the door open, he was sprawled out asleep. Whew.
So now I sit with a dishwasher that needs unloading, laundry that has been in the dryer for days, and a list of things I need to start working on for school in the fall. But instead, I'm watching a Nicholas Sparks movie I've been saving in the DVR {The Vow} and dusting off the ol' blog.
Our summer has been going really well. I thought we would be going stir crazy and looking for things to occupy our days, but we are actually so busy that I don't even think we have had a full week at home with just me and the boys, all day everyday. Family visiting and friends staying over and summer vacations and long weekends with the grandparents have stacked up and made the weeks fly by. I think it is all winding down now though, which is great. I look at the days left at home this summer and feel a pull on my heart for when Henry and Parker will go back to their school in August. Even though the days are long and often hard and I am constantly saying prayers for patience under my breath, I really do treasure this time with my boys.
{Sidenote: I have already rewinded The Vow three times because I am not even paying attention to it. Gah! Must use this quiet time to watch depressing chick-flicks where either Rachel McAdams or Channing Tatum is GUARANTEED to die. Thanks a lot, Nick.}
For a few weeks, Parker's hair made the best ever faux hawk.
Henry and Grandma
These photos are getting tougher and tougher to take, since Parker is MOBILE now!
Henry and Dad on the ferry to Galveston
Seeing the ocean {okay it's really the gulf} for the first time!
At our beach house, "Purple Haze"
These boys are the cutest!! I love their faces!! I hear you on the summer thing... I can't even believe it myself!! I vote for a rewind of time!!