Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2 years + 1 day

Yesterday was our anniversary.

We went out to eat at [our standard] On The Border. Not that exciting, but we love it and I had a gift card from work so it basically only cost us the $7 tip we left on the table.  Not too shabby.

For year number 2, Hubs surprised me with this chair from Target.  I have [not subtly at all] been hinting for awhile that I wanted it.  As in, every time we go to Target I point it out and sit in it and say 'Gee I wish I had this chair.'

Then when I got up yesterday morning, there it was in my kitchen.  Mark leaves for work before I even get up so, as he confessed at dinner, he woke up at 4 a.m. and got it out of the car trunk and built it.  Straight up Santa Claus style.

I'll have to post later with my gift to Mark.  It's something for the yard/outside of the house.  So once we get it set up, I'll post pictures.

After dinner and a nice rainstorm, we came home and watched New Year's Eve [aka Valentine's Day, the Sequel Remake].  I liked it all right.

Two years down.  Much more to come.


  1. dear amandas blog.

    where is my comment on this cute post? i love amanda's hubs and wanted her to show pictures of his handiwork.

    and. i wanted to know when the standard switched from mcdonalds?


  2. I don't know what happened to that comment! I definitely saw it in my email... but now it is not here!?

    anywho, you are oh so right - McD's IS our true standard. OTB is when we are feeling more "formal!"

