Friday, July 13, 2012

Dear Friday

Adventures of Newlyweds [a fun, cute blog] started Friday's Letters way back in the day {i think}.  This week, I'm joining in the fun for the first time ever. I think you should too.

Dear Friday,
Oh how I love you, Friday. Because I do not have to go to work when you come around, at least for a few more weeks.

Dear Neighborhood Pool,
You, my friend, are the best thing ever.  I've got a date with you in just a few hours.

Dear Grad School Summer Session,
Honestly, I'm not really friends with you right now.  Mainly because you are making me write a paper with five scholarly, peer reviewed sources. BLEH to you.  At least you're leaving [for good] in just 2.5 shorts weeks.

Dear Gus {my cat},
Your official birthday portrait came out quite well this year.

Dear Tiff's Treats cookies that Hubs sent me on the anniversary,
I hope you don't mind, but I kind of keep eating you for dinner.  Three nights in a row now.

Dear Couch to 5K app,
In case you haven't noticed, I have sort of been rocking you here lately.  Week 4, I have a date with you this weekend.

I have been avoiding watching your season finale for months.  I just wasn't ready to let you go.  I needed you there, in my DVR, since March.  But then I went and watched you yesterday.  Holy cannoli. I am not ashamed that I watch you.

Dear Pilates,
I can finally walk normally again. But thanks for the tough workout.

Over and out.  Happy Weekend!

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