Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter Storm Warning

Today it was almost 80 degrees in Dallas.  In December.  And, even with these temperatures, we are technically under a winter storm warning. Wacky, right?  The temps are supposed to fall forty degrees in the next 24 hours, and we’re due to get some sleet and ice.  I would be all about some cozy days at home inside, but we had some big plans coming up in the next few days!  Plans that will likely get postponed or canceled.  Womp, womp.

With the cold weather coming, I’ve been taking advantage of these perfect days by taking the boys on a walk every afternoon.  It takes some major maneuvering to get them loaded in the stroller and then out the door and down the stairs in front of our house, and there is a very small window in between when both of them eat and nap when they are actually in a good enough mood to go for a walk, but it’s worth it to get out of the house and into the sunshine, even for only 20 minutes.  Henry always rides on the “lower level” of the stroller because he almost immeadiatly falls asleep.  Like before we even make it to the sidewalk from our front walk, he’s out.  Parker rides up top and watches everything go by.  I also play music on my phone while we walk and set it in his seat next to him so he can hear the songs.  He likes to listen to music, and doesn’t mind when I sing along as well!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute!! Too cold for walks today!! Be safe with those little ones!!
